
What is the current legislation

Genital respectability offence

Par. 3 of Art. 337, as it was added with Art. 3, par. 1 of Act. 3727/2008, and as it is now in force with the new Penal Code ratified by Act. 4619/2019.

Par. 3 of Art. 337

Par. 3 Any adult, who through Internet or other means of communication, builds contact with a person under the age of fifteen and offences the genital respectability of the latter using lecherous gestures or proposals, is sentenced to an imprisonment of at least two years. In case an encounter has taken place, this shall entail a sentence of at least three years’ imprisonment for the adult.

Approaching a child for sexual reasons

Art. 348B as amended by Art. 9 of L. 4267/2014 which implements the European Directive 2011/93/EU and by Art, 2 of Act 4411/2016 and as it is now in force with the new Penal Code ratified by Act. 4619/2019:

Any person who intentionally, through the technology of information, suggests to a minor under the age of fifteen an encounter between them or between the minor and a third person, aiming at the commitment of the crimes described in par. 1 and 2 of art. 339 and 348Α is sentenced to an imprisonment of at least two years and a fine, when the proposal is followed by further actions which lead in such an encounter.

Do you want to make a report?

Make a report about content you encounter on the Internet that you consider illegal.