Parental control tool

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SIP-Benchmark II Benchmarking of parental control tools for the online protection of children

Results of the third test cycle are published

The results from the third benchmarking cycle were released that research and categorizes the parental control tools for the online protection of children. The Information Society and Media of the European Commission, commissioned this study and was funded under the Safer Internet Programme.

The report aims to guide the end-users (notably PARENTS) in an easy and comprehensive way through the assorted range of parental control tools currently available on the market in Europe.

In order to achieve this goal, a comparative experts’ assessment of parental control tools was carried out. In total, 30 tools have been examined in the 3rd benchmarking, within the following devices: personal computers, mobile phones and game consoles. The results of the study appear below:

Protection for users less than 12 years

The evaluation below and the classification is based on parental control tools that aim at the protection of users more than 12 years old. Every tool is evaluated on functionality, effectiveness, usability and security. Microsoft’s parental tools have climbed on the first position.

Protection for users more than 13 years

In the table below, the evaluation results of the tools are shown for users more than 13 years old. The evaluation is based on the same categories (functionality, effectiveness, usability and security). The first place in the ranking belongs to K9.

The results of the third test cycle are to be found here:

To help you choose the best parental tools that meets your needs, please visit

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